Here is a quick review of my goals from the beginning of the quarter.
I wanted to improve on my presentations of my products, as far as imagery and story are concerned.
Get a job at a consultancy.
Create a really nice portfolio, along with work from the quarter that can eventually go in it.
As far as presenting my projects I feel that I have a deeper understanding of how to verbally present to an audience. Furthermore I think my graphic layouts have improved drastically from where they were. I still think I really need to work on telling a story about my products visually. Communicating these things in person during an interview is no problem for me, however I think that I need to learn to do this better visually still. The story is there I just need to show it and then the portfolio will really be poppin.
Well I didn't get a job at a consultancy but I did get a great job at sharpie which sounds really fun and it is in Chicago which is one of my favorite cities. I think this should provide for a great learning experience.
I was pretty happy with how my portfolio turned out. I think that it could have been better though. I am very anxious to revamp it while I am out on co-op. Some ideas have started brewing after interviews and discussing certain projects. As well as having new projects to add to it. There is always room for improvement and I'm excited because I know what I want to do now I just need the free time (school to end , co-op to start) and it will be done.