Monday, May 16, 2011

Modern Ornamental Audio

This is a project I finished for our Design Communications class. The speakers are supposed to follow a product trend I see in the market. I think the combination of modern design with classic ornamental or decorative designs is something that is becoming very popular. So with these speakers I tried to achieve that with combining design elements from a phonograph along with elements from a modern speaker.

3 hr design challenge

So today our professor came in and asked us what all of our favorite fruits were. He then told us you have three hours to design a ring based off of the fruit we had just named. It proved to be a really great experience. I think that often in the workplace this is something that can happen often. A boss may ask to have a design for a certain object in 2-3 hours and they expect something that looks nice. I enjoy doing shorter projects like this. Sometimes I feel this is when I do my best work. Often spending to long on a project I feel that is gets muddied down and some of the magic of the original idea is lost. Apple is my favorite fruit and here is the final render I had at the end of the class.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chair Revision

Currently in the process of revising the front of the chair. After meeting with some fiberglass experts it sounds like the mold I had planned on building would create complications. Here is the direction I am leaning towards, more minor revisions to come.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Design for Eyewear

The image I think doesn't have the same chemistry between my alarm clock and it's image board. I think that is simply because of the choice of wood for the glasses. I wanted to use minimal materials like on my image board. Also I wanted to take elements of the simplicity of the designs. I think in this way I achieved following my image board. However I think it was more impactful last time when colors were similar and added cohesiveness to the two images. This is something I plan on trying to do again for the next project.

Inspiration Board for Eyewear